Movie Titles

in Other / Titles

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Movie Titles

About the Project:
* Movie Titles template, easy to customize and edit.
* The dynamic title animation and design is completely procedural and suitable for creating dramatic and inspirational movie sequences (action, drama, thriller, fantasy, blockbuster, superhero, comics, YouTube), tv spot, intro, show or event end credits, trailer for video games, motivational trailers, epic promo, cinematic commercial, and more.

* 50 Seconds Setup
* For After Effects CS5.5+
* 2.4 Film Aspect Ratio OPTIONAL
* Modular Main Comp Timeline
* Universal Color and FX Controls
* For All AE Languages (Expression Universalized)
* Video Tutorial Included
* No Plugins Required
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 50
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required