Modern Opener

in Other / Product Promo

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- Consists of two versions After Effects CC 2018 file and (.mogrt)
- Works with Premiere Pro CC 2018 and above

- Adobe After Effects CC 2018 must be installed. It is just needed for placing footages to placeholders. All other work will be done in Premiere Pro using Essential Graphics panel!
  • Change font and colors inside of Premiere Pro (in CC 2018 version)

    - files compatible with all languages
    - After Effects files compatible with all languages
    - Resolution 1920×1080 px
    - Time 45s
    - 65 images or video
    - No Plug-ins required
  • videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
    videoLength: 45
    applicationsSupported: Premiere Pro
    requiredPlugins: None required