Moderat — Experimental One-Page Template

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Moderat gives you a distinguished and unique way to showcase your content. Beautiful animated background gives this template an exceptional feel, combined with smart typography and overall cleanness.

A list of features includes:
- 6 pre-made demos
- Beautiful abstract background animations
- Powered by Materialize framework based on Material Design guidelines
- One-page template with beautiful modals for case studies and detail pages
- Super responsive — crazy attention to the detail for small and medium size screens
- Awesome technologies used, such as:
- Sass
- Jade
- Pace
- PHPMailer
- Package managers: npm, bower and Composer
- Code quality tools: ESLint and SCSS lint
- Gulp and very useful commands to compile Sass and Jade, minify css files using PostCSS and even minify and optimise the images
- 100% valid code
- Well commented code, easy to customise for anyone
- Documentation in PDF format

_Note: images are not included in the download and are meant for demo only._
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1