Mobile Wireframe Kit

in Graphic templates / UX and UI kits

113 2 0
90+ mobile screens and hundreds of elements to create wireframe mockups with Sketch and Illustrator. Mobile Wireframe Kit helps you work faster and smarter with symbols to quickly generate mockups. It’s also delivered with a handy collection of tools and flowchart templates to effectively create UX flows or to simply present your work visually. And as always, the kit is extremely focused on being well-organized, each individual layer has been meticulously named and all screens are sorted in a collection of 16 categories.

+ 90+ mobile screens: Covering the most popular categories, including: calendar, checkout, Ecommerce, feed, log in and sign up, maps, media, music, navigation, news, profile, search, settings, social, stats and walkthrough.
+ 2 versions: Compatible and specifically made for Sketch and Illustrator.
+ 8-point grid: Everything has been designed following a consistent grid, this makes the design of your wireframes consistent and it helps maintain a quality rhythm between your elements. Read more about 8-point grid over here.
+ 3 flowchart templates: A handy collection of tools and flowchart templates are included to effectively create UX flows or to simply present your work visually.
+ Symbols: All elements are grouped into categories and properly named for quick navigation.
+ Responsive: Elements can easily be resized with the new constraints feature.
+ Design guide: With hundreds of elements, quickly build your design by dragging elements around.
+ Icons: This wireframe kit is using the material icons by Google. Best of all, you can easily download SVGs from their online library.
+ Organized: All layers are grouped and well-named, this is one of our core value!
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: SKETCH, AI, PNG
isLayered: 1
isVector: 1
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Sketch, Adobe Illustrator