M-PLAY - Video Mobile Template

in Web Templates / Site templates

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M-Play is a mobile based video template suitable for youtuber, vlogger. Supported by modern features that allow users to more easily customize this template, this template also supports videos from various popular video websites like youtube, dailymotion, vimeo and many more:


* Easy Edit
* Modern Design
* Clean Design
* Clean Code
* Font Awesome
* Google Font
* Valid HTML5
* Valid CSS3
* Well Documentation
* Free Support
* And much moreā€¦


* Home
* Home v2
* Home v3
* Home v4
* Video Single v1
* Video Single v2
* Channel
* Categories
* Categories page
* Blog
* Blog Single
* Accordion
* Button
* Calendar
* Card
* Collapse
* List
* Pagination
* Table
* Tabs
* About
* Contact
* Gallery
* Pricing Table
* Page Not Found
* Settings
* Sign Up
* Sign In
* Team
* Contact Us


* Roboto


* Font Google
* Font Awesome
* Materializecss
* jQuery
* Lightbox
* Owl Carousel
* Magnific Popup
* Pexels