Lovefit - Fitness Videos Training

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Lovefit provide full-length fitness workout videos and health information guidelines. Users can have a great variety of fitness workout videos: Yoga, Cardio Exercise, Strength programs, etc… The item comes with a great and useful Calories Calculator based on age, weight and other parameters.

Last Update: 17 December 2018

+ Valid and clean 22 HTML5/CSS3 pages
+ Looks nice on all devices
+ 4 Home pages (Video Background - Layer Slider Save 11$ - with Cookie Bar - with PopUp Onload)
+ Working PHP/AJAX Subscribe Plan
+ Working PHP/AJAX Contact form with antispam protection
+ Working PHP/AJAX Newsletter subscription
+ Calories Calculator Tool
+ Site launch BONUS pack: counter plus newsletter subscription
+ 2000 Fantastic Icons with Retina support
+ Retina ready
+ Supported By all major Browsers
+ Fixed sidebar on scroll
+ Google Map
+ Google Web Fonts
+ Owl carousel
+ Magnific Popup

Images are not included.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1