Login lightbox wordpress - easy login / register w

in Other / Plugins

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Looking for an easy way for your users to become members of your site ? Look no more because login box with facebook support has it all. Two click login, optional recapcha integration, even Buddypress extra register fields.

Easy setup
Just drag into your menu like any other menu item. Choose from login box, login button, or register button. All of these will summon the login box, but will go to login or register as requested.
Also can be integrated in content via shortcode.

Custom settings\
.. for showing the login text. Choose style for account button, login button, register button. Each from the three predefined settings. Or add your own css easily if you have css knowledge.
Directory form Features
fully responsive – looks great from mobile to HD
six display modes skins – 3 times more display modes to show your listings then the average directory plugin
CSS3 technology - this player uses cutting-edge css3 definitions
easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
iPhone / iPad optimized – this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices
Android optimized – this component has been tested on Android 4.0 and works awesome
developer / SASS powered – this component’s CSS has been built on top of SASS which means SASS users will have an easy time modifying the skins. For non-SASS users it’s no problem either because CSS files ( generated by SASS ) are provided
SEO friendly – built with search engine optimization on mind from the ground up
compatible with all major browsers, including IE – compatible from IE11+, Chrome, Safari and Firefox, Edge
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, HTML, JS, PHP, SASS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://previews.envatousercontent.com/files/242329646/index.html
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 4.9