LES NOIR - Handwritten Font

in Other / Script and Handwritten

463 6 0
LES NOIR is a youthful and fun font with organic look brush. This Eye-catching font will be perfect for medium and large display, but also work for smaller paragraph lines. You can use this font for flyer, poster, logo, social media post, advertising, website headline, and etc.

- All caps font with lower case alternative
- Use uppercase (caps) for standard character and lowercase for alternative, combine them to create awesome look!
- Complete standard display characters including ;  À Ä Å Ã Æ Ç É Ê È Ë Í Î Ì Ï Ñ Ó Ô Ò Ö Õ Ø Œ Š Ú Û Ù Ü Ý Ÿ
- OTF and TTF Format
spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Any Size
serifSansSerif: Sans-Serif
isWebfont: 1