Lament - Craft Beer & Brewery Elementor Template Kit

in Other / Template Kits

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Lament - Craft Beer & Brewery Elementor Template Kit created especially for Craft Beer, Brewery Company, Beer Company, Brewing Company, and any related business. Lament has a simple, modern and clean design with 100% responsive layout, and very easy to customize and can be used by anyone without having to understand coding.\


- Using Free Elementor (Elementor Pro is not required)
- Unique & Clean Design
- 12 Ready to Use Pages
- 15 Ready to Use Templates
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Fully Customizable
- Cross Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera

Templates Include

- Global Theme Style
- Home
- About
- Services
- Offers
- Products
- Reservation
- FAQs
- Team
- Blog
- Single Post
- Contact
- 404 Page
- Header
- Header Offcanvas
- Footer

Required Plugin

- Elementor
- ElementsKit Lite
- Elementor - Header, Footer & Blocks
- WPForms Lite
- DethemeKit for Elementor

How to Install
Template Kits use the Envato Elements plugin to install to WordPress (no subscription required).

Detailed Guide:

Configuring Header Popup
1. Import the popup templates and the header
2. Open the header template in the builder
3. Click on the icon that toggles the menu or search and click the wrench icon on the "Popup" setting in the link field and select the popup template to display. That's it!

Setup Global Header and Footer in Header Footer & Blocks plugin

1. Import the header and footer template
2. Go to Appearance > Header Footer and click Add New button
3. Give it a title and select Header, Display on Entire Site and click Publish
4. Click Edit with Elementor
5. Click the gray folder icon to access My Templates tab and select the header template to import and Update.
6. Repeat for Footer


This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.

compatibleWith: Elementor
demoUrl: Http://
industry: Food & Drink
templateKitSoftwareVersion: Elementor 3.6.x, Elementor 3.5.x, Elementor 3.4.x