Kastelli - Fashion Store App | Expo SDK 49.0.10

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Kastelli is a fashion mobile app template built on top of React Native. It is available and supports both Android and IOS platforms. If you don’t wish to start development for your online fashion service from scratch ? Kastelli is your answer. App has all the necessary pages. Use this app to bootstrap your online fashion service fast. This project is a TEMPLATE. Not backend project.

– Built with Expo SDK 49.0.10
– Orchid – Laravel Admin Panel
– Only Functional Components & React Hooks.
– All icons in SVG format.
– For Android & IOS
– Well structured components
– You can add to cart product and delete from cart
– Choice of product size and color – displayed in the order
– You can make product favorite
– Ready for the Backend
– All files in .tsx format
– Used Preloader for images
– Used Redux and Redux Persist. If you close the application, your added products to the cart or wishlist will not be deleted.
webTemplatesFileTypes: FIG
hasDocumentation: 1