Junction — External Links Controller for WordPress

in Other / Plugins

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If you are highly concerned about SEO and Security then it is important to keep an eye on links. If no care is taken then your site rank will be equally shared with all the external links on your site. Plugin Junction takes care of all the external links on your site. It works quickly and seamlessly, like a ninja.

Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe


When you open another page using target=”\_blank”, the other page may run on the same process as your page, unless Site Isolation is enabled. If the other page is running a lot of JavaScript, your page’s performance may also suffer. Junction plugin allows forcing all outbound links on your site to be opened in a new tab and ensures it runs in a separate process. You don’t have to write target=”\_blank” and rel=”noopener” manually.


The other page can access your window object with the window.opener property. This exposes an attack surface because the other page can potentially redirect your page to a malicious URL. Seriously. You put external links to another site, and when your users click on it, they will be redirected to dark places.

It’s unbelievable to be true. See what Google says about this problem.

_When you use target=”\_blank”, always add rel=”noopener” or rel=”noreferrer”._\
Google Tools for Web Developers

The Junction is an External Links Controller plugin for WordPress. The plugin will control that external links on your site open in a new tab, and also fix security risks related to this. It will process only external links. If any attributes (target, rel) are set for the link, the plugin will not change them. Thus, you always have complete control over your site and outbound links.

Don’t forget about SEO.


Top SEOs believe that external links are the most important source of ranking power.
Search engine ranking factor survey data has shown that getting external links is the single most important objective for attaining high rankings. This stems from the idea that external links are one of the hardest metrics to manipulate and thus, one of the best ways for search engines to determine the popularity of a given web page.

The two kinds of outbound links are: nofollow and dofollow. This is usually defined by simply putting rel=”nofollow” into the HTML of the link.\
rel=”nofollow” tells search engines not to follow links and do not associate your site with the linked page.
rel=”dofollow” links pass on ranking power from your website to the targeted page. Be careful with this attribute, it is better to set this parameter manually individually for each link.

The Junction plugin allows controlling nofollow/dofollow on external links. You work with links as before. In your favorite editor: Elementor, Gutenberg or anything else. Set the links parameters according to your plan. And the Junction will make sure that you don’t miss anything and will insure with security. It will intervene only when finds a potential problem. Whether it’s a human error or a problem in a third-party plugin.
All external links are under control.


Junction WordPress Plugin is completely compatible with all WordPress themes. Most popular of them Avada, Jupiter, BeTheme, The7, Flatsome, Enfold, Bridge, Newspaper, Salient, Total, X Theme, Kalium, and many other WordPress Themes.

The Junction works perfectly with all major WordPress frameworks: Genesis, Divi, Themify, Warp 7, Ultimatum, Beans, Unyson, Gantry and many other’s.


Our team is making sure that the Junction plugin for WordPress work across all of web browsers. We tested our plugin on pre-release versions of browsers.

_We have worked hard to make the extension work perfectly on all the browsers available._\
42Theme Team

Cross-browser compatible Junction plugin for WordPress will be stable in any version of a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer ) – in all browsers, visitors will get an incredible experience when navigating through the site.


The plugin works on the server-side. Very fast and quiet. Your site’s speed will not be affected. Moreover, no external link will elude it. Performance – that’s what really matters.


The Junction plugin for WordPress is flexible and easily customizable, allowing you to change parameters in a few clicks.

Open in New Tabs: Because outbound links deliberately send people away from your site.\
Add rel=’noopener’: prevents the new page from being able to access the window.opener property and ensures it runs in a separate process.\
Add rel=’noreferrer’: Same as the previous setting and also prevents the Referer header from being sent to the new page.\
Add rel=’nofollow’: tells search engines not to follow links and do not associate your site with the linked page.\
Add rel=’dofollow’: links pass on ranking power from your website to the targeted page. Be careful, it is better to set this parameter manually individually for each link.\
Skip Links: Allows skipping some links, for example to the domains of your partners. Enter (part of) the URLs to match. Use a new line for each different match.\
Assignments Settings: By selecting the specific assignments you can limit where the plugin should or shouldn’t be work. To have it working on all pages, simply do not specify any assignments.\


Plugins indeed are one of the key things that make WordPress adorable, and you shouldn’t avoid new plugins. The easiest way to install a WordPress plugin is directly from the admin area.

+ Log in to your WP admin area and go to Plugins > Add New
+ Select the plugin archive and click Install Now.
+ The plugin will be installed shortly. When the installation is complete you need to activate the plugin by clicking the “Activate Plugin” link.


* Process every external link on Your Site.
* Improve site security
* Improve site SEO
* Exclude any pages, links or domain
* Lightweight and Fast
* Smart. If any attributes are set for the link, the plugin will not change them.
* Gutenberg compatible
* Tested with WooCommerce, BuddyPress, and more
* Super-Easy Admin Interface, Setting Up in Seconds

Features list

* Easy to use: Install and Go
* Works with all Themes
* Works on mobile devices
* Works in all modern browsers
* Lightweight and Fast
* If any attributes are set for the link, the plugin will not change them.
* Exclude any pages, links or domain
* Gutenberg compatible.
* All major browsers supported: IE9, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Android browser, Opera, iOs browser
* Super-Easy Admin Interface, Setting Up in Seconds.
* Installation Guide
* Detailed Users Manual

Item Contents

* 01-Plugin
* 02-Documentation
* Licensing
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: PHP
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://junction.wordpress.42theme.com/
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 5.1