Japan Map Animation - Japanese Map Kit

in Other / Video Displays

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Brand new Japan Map Animation - Japanese Map Kit.

Hi This is the Japan Map Kit. It will add to your video a stylish animation of a Nippon map for every taste.

The project contains absolutely all prefectures of the Japan.

In addition, each Nihon prefecture is configured individually.

Working with the template is easy, because the project contains 3 types of settings.

The first type of settings allows you to customize the colors of the map individually for your design.

The second type of settings adjust the position of geo-marks and routes on the map.

The third type of settings is to control camera movement over the map.

So you can come closer to any point with ease.

The project contains 7 pre-prepared scenes.

The template includes a collection of markers and images for maps.

So just download the template right now and add a map to your project.

Japan (Japanese: Nippon or Nihon formally Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku, 'State of Japan') is an island country in East Asia.

Japan Map Animation - Japanese Map Kit can be use for different type politic projects: web Advertisement, instagram stories, commercials, SMM, digital marketing, presentation, low thirds, intro, opener, product promo, titles, slideshow, explainer. Create a unique international UI for your product or service.

Administrative divisions of Japan (Prefectures of Japan):Japan is divided into 47 prefectures, each overseen by an elected governor, legislature and administrative bureaucracy. Each Japan prefecture is further divided into cities, towns and villages. Aichi, Chubu, Akita, Tohoku, Aomori, Tohoku, Chiba, Kanto, Ehime, Shikoku, Fukui, Chubu, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Fukushima, Tohoku, Gifu, Chubu, Gunma, Kanto, Hiroshima, Chugoku, Hokkaido, Hokkaido, Hyogo, Kansai, Ibaraki, Kanto, Ishikawa, Chubu, Iwate, Tohoku, Kagawa, Shikoku, Kagoshima, Kyushu, Kanagawa, Kanto, Kochi, Shikoku, Kumamoto, Kyushu, Kyoto, Kansai, Mie, Kansai, Miyagi, Tohoku, Miyazaki, Kyushu, Nagano, Chubu, Nagasaki, Kyushu, Nara, Kansai, Niigata, , Chubu, Oita, Kyushu, Okayama, Chugoku, Okinawa, Kyushu, Osaka, Kansai, Saga, Kyushu, Saitama, Kanto, Shiga, Kansai, Shimane, Chugoku, Shizuoka, Chubu, Tochigi, Kanto, Tokushima, Shikoku, Tokyo, Kanto, Tottori, Chugoku, Toyama, Chubu, Wakayama, Kansai, Yamagata, Tohoku, Yamaguchi, Chugoku, Yamanashi, Chubu.
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required