iOS UI Sets 4 Colors

in Graphic templates / UX and UI kits

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iOS UI Sets 4 Colors
This sets includes more than 200 vectored custom UI elements, essential for developers and iOS apps designers in 4 colored themes. All the elements, blocks and galleries can easily be combined. All the interface elements are presented in several variations and in several colors. As all the objects are created using shapes, they do not lose quality if scaled.


* Cell styles
* Toogle styles
* Calendars
* Chat styles
* Comments screen
* List view
* Tabbar styles
* Map styles
* Misc screen
* Music players
* Profiles
* Login styles


* Use for iPhone/iPad App design
* 4 different colored themes
* Fully customizable & 100% vector shapes
* Colors, Styles & dimensions can be easily changed
* Elements are organized in folders, with layers named
* Images are not included

orientation: Landscape
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD
isLayered: 1
isVector: 1
dpi: 72
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dimensions: Px, 1136, 640