Intense Dust Overlays

in Graphics / Textures

171 5 0
12 Intense Dust Photo Overlays

Good fit for social network stories, Instagram posts, advertisement content, prints, posters, and more.

_Recommended using "Screen", "Lighten" or "Linear Dodge(Add)" blending modes applied to an overlay layer. Just have fun and experiment with it!_


- If you want to make an overlay brighter just duplicate the layer.
- Add different overlays with different blending modes to create a unique combination.

12 JPEG files(5000x3000, 300DPI)
graphicsFileTypes: JPG
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer
dimensions: 5000, px, 3000
resolution: 300, 16.6, 10