Inspiring Glass Intro

in Other / Logo Stings

263 4 0
A template for business, corporations, medical field, social activities, and education. You will give a sense of inspiration, calmness, and success to your audience with different materials like glass, wood, silver, gold, and patterns.

Item Features
- You can change the logo or text easily.
- It has a main control for changing logo positions and size.
- It could be used for Logo or Text Intro easily.
- It has seamless textures.
- It has two versions, logo and Text.
- It has a video tutorial.
- It is 29.97 fps with 1920×1080.
- High Quality Textures.
- Music Inspiring Piano Uplifting Cinematic by alexbird
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 28, 28
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: Element 3D v2, Optical Flares