ilusion - Versatile Joomla 3 Template

in CMS templates / Joomla CMS templates

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All Features:

+ Multipurpose design;
+ Responsive layout;
+ Cross-browser compatibility;
+ Based on Bootstrap & LESS;
+ Helix 3 Framework for Joomla!;
+ Joomla! 3.9.x compatible;
+ Easy theme installation;
+ SP Page Builder (Pro) 2.x;
+ Custom Add-ons;
+ Cookie Control popup;
+ Sticky Header with Mainmenu;
+ Quickstart Package;
+ Portfolio component;
+ Multiple Headers;
+ Multiple Footers;
+ SEO ready;
+ 6 different main page layouts;
+ Boxed and Wide Layouts
+ Revolution slider;
+ Unlimited colors;
+ Mega menu;
+ Multi-language support;
+ Real multi currency support;
+ Switch on/off floating header option;
+ Banner manager;
+ Possibility to adjust the layout for mobile devices via admin panel;
+ Touch enabled sliders;
+ Popup window with a promotion and newsletter subscription form;
+ Customizable product images;
+ Share icons on a product page;
+ Social login;
+ Anti-spam captcha;
+ Newsletter subscribe;
+ Twitter plugin;
+ Blog page;
+ Attractive hover effects and tooltips;
+ Google web fonts;
+ Iconic fonts;
+ Extended documentation;
+ Support & free updates.


+ DepositPhotos

IMPORTANT: clipart is not included in the stock file.
retinaReady: 1
responsive: 1
hasDocumentation: 1