Hot Coffee

in Web Templates / Site templates

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HotCoffee is a stylish & trendy HTML template. It is great for an impressive online presentation of your coffee shop, cafe, bar, restaurant, tea house, bakery, etc.

The theme has a bright interactive design with a pleasing clean look. Your visitors can quickly browse products or services and menu options. Also, it is great for a coffeeshop, beverage website, brewing, personal barista and coffee store The template offers a lot of great features.
_Cafe HTML website Template features_
- Tons of pre-made pages;

- Valid HTML5/CSS3;

- Optimized for search engines;

- Ultra responsive layout;

- Retina ready;

- Fully customizable;

- Powerful & Lightweight;

- Cross Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE;

- Bulletproof consistency.
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
retinaReady: 1
responsive: 1
hasDocumentation: 1