Horizon Mobile UI Kit

in Graphic templates / UX and UI kits

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Meet Horizon UI Kit, a premium set of 50 iOS mobile app templates across six categories with original design, crafted with love and expertise for Photoshop and Sketch.

We did our best to make our UI Kit really useful for wide range of design purposes, so we created mobile UI templates across 6 categories: ing in, walkthroughs, analytics, media, profile, widgets.


Vector Shapes. This UI Kit created using vector shapes and vector objects, which means it can be easily adjusted for any mobile resolution.

Pixel Perfect. Attention to the details makes Horizon UI Kit a truly impressive tool, which is very nice and comfortable in use.

Free Fonts. You will easily find all fonts we used creating Horizon UI Kit in Google Fonts library available for free.
orientation: Portrait
isVector: 1
isLayered: 1
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD, SKETCH
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop, Sketch
dpi: 72
dimensions: 750, px, 1334
colorSpace: RGB