Handwritten Script - Amarise Signature
Introducing the new Amarise Signature a modern script handwritten font !!! For those of you who are needing a touch of elegant, simple, natural and modernity for your designs, this font was created for you!
Amarise Signature was built with OpenType features and includes ligatures, alternates, begining and ending swashes, numbers, punctuation, and it also supports your work design. The font has Great for head title, printed quotes, greeting card, invitation, wedding, events and etc
What's Included
- Amarise Signature OTF
- Amarise Signature TTF
Thank you,
Alpha Leonis Std
spacing: |
Normal |
optimumSize: |
Any Size |
hasDocumentation: |
1 |
serifSansSerif: |
N/A |
isWebfont: |
1 |