HandArt - Magento Theme for Handmade Artists

in Other / Magento

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Handart Magento 2 theme offers you an online store to sell handmade products and other goods with innovative design and powerful features.

Handart theme is responsive, retina ready and coming with +4 homepage layout styles that adapt to all your requirements. Cms blocks and banners come along with the theme, making it much easier to visualize your content and even insert ads on your page. If you plan on having a large collection of crafty products in your online store, Megamenu helps organize them. The Custom Slider homepage combines wonderfully with the other extensions, and the full-screen photo homepage is highlight of the theme. Show nice thumbnail image for each category with Tabs Category Slider. CSS3 animation effects and Bootstrap 3 work to make your advantage with nice effects. Manufacturer is shown in each product. Upload images when hover on a product and customers can see Add To Cart, Add To Compare, Add To Wishlist buttons.

Handart is really a responsive magento theme suitable for you!

Features & Extensions

+ Responsive and retina ready
+ 4 Different Layouts
+ Flexible layout format comes with various styles.
+ Mega Menu support
+ Setup rows and columns
+ Display static blocks contain texts below menu items
+ Translation
+ Blog module included
+ AJAX Layered Navigation
+ Clean, modern design can be used for any type of website
+ Grid / List view
+ Allow to display your items in either list or grid view
+ Set Layout for each page
+ Easy define column left or column right for each page in admin panel.
+ Custom Banner Slider
+ Tabs Category Slider
+ Featured Category
+ Featured Products Slider
+ New Products Slider
+ Bestseller Products Slider
+ Mostviewed Products Slider
+ Onsale Products Slider
+ Random Products Slider
+ Related Products Slider
+ Upsell Products Slider
+ Testimonials
+ PSD included
retinaReady: 1
responsive: 1
psdFilesIncluded: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
ecommerceReady: 1
demoUrl: Http://plazathemes.com/demo/handartdemo/