Furnicom - Furniture & Interior HTML Template

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Furnicom – an awesome premium HTML template for any kind of online store, especially for furniture, interior, decoration, design studio and more. Quickly & easily build your website just by some clicks.

Furnicom – Furniture HTML template comes with 5 stunning homepages, over 35 HTML pages that make it be more flexible and powerful. Besides, the HTML eCommerce template – Furnicom is powered by Bootstrap 3, CSS 5, HTML5 which make the code be clean and valid. All HTML files are well-organized, so it’s easy to modify and customize everything!

5+ Layout Demos Ready

Features List

+ 5 Modern and clean homepages
+ Bootstrap 3 based
+ Compass, CSS integrated
+ Clean and Valid Code
+ Fully Responsive
+ Product Quick View
+ Cross Browser Optimization
+ Product Owl Carousel Slider
+ Mega Menu Supported
+ Mega Vertical Menu
+ List & Grid View (Products)
+ Product Page: 3 Styles
+ Category Page: 3 Styles
+ Extremely Customizable
+ Free Fonts and Icons
+ Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Files
+ Well Documentation
+ Clean and professional design
+ And much more

Credits ans Sources

+ Images – Unsplash, GRATISOGRAPHY
+ Google Fonts – http://www.google.com/webfonts
+ Icons Font – http://fontawesome.io/
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, SASS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1