Flower Market Clipart Collection

in Graphic templates / Scene generators

424 1 0
Flower scent is a thing that should never vanish, never leave your bedroom as well as your custom-made artworks. With our Flower Market Vol.1, the so-called "Vie en rose" is no more a myth, but a new manner to showcase your feelings and design. Over 400 elements, eight shots for every flower of the collection - so stay doubtless, you will find the right one for your project without hesitations and long reflections.

The diversity of magnificent flowers will make the one marvel - roses, tulips, clove pinks, jonquils, various wildflowers and more. It means whether it's a nostalgic card, commercial newsletter or a juicy, vibrant web page - you'll pick up the right bloom for your purpose.

Discover inside:
* Unique mockups, based on the high-resolution real photographs;
* 425 isolated objects in PSD format;
* Each flower comes in 8 different versions for each angle.

Let your artworks strike and amaze the community!
orientation: Landscape
isLayered: 1
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dpi: 300
colorSpace: RGB