Flirt - Animated Handwriting Typeface

in Other / Titles

284 4 0
Flirt is an animated Typeface that can be used in several occasions like Romantic or Playful Titles, Intros, Holiday Greeting Cards or Lower Thirds. The letters are animated in a slow pace with 60 frames per seconds, this allows you to change the writing speed from very slow and detailed to fast without any quality loss.

Unlike other Animated Typefaces, you don't need to drag each letter on its own into the timeline, you can actually write your text in a textbox and let the mogrt do all the magic with the click of a button.

The example projects shown in the preview are not included, but can easily be recreated with the use of Flirt.

* CC2018 and above
* easy one-click solution
* Tutorial included

This project is based on the free font Clicker Script.

Music from the preview is not included, but available on Audiojungle:

"Classical Piano" by TheStoryShop

All Background Footage used was for Preview Purposes only and is not included.
videoResolution: 3840, 4K (UHD), 2160
applicationsSupported: Premiere Pro
requiredPlugins: None required