Fixturbo - Car Repair & Auto Services HTML5

in Web Templates / Landing page templates

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Fixturbo - Car Repair & Auto Services HTML5 Template Multipurpose

Fixturbo – Car Repair & Auto Services HTML5 Template
Fixturbo is a clean and modern Html5 Template suitable for any type of Auto Servicing, Car Repair & Maintenance website. It is created for automobile servicing providers who offer car wash, car service, routine maintenance, truck service, etc. This HTML template can be used for car servicing, car repairing, car wash, auto shop, mechanic shop, batteries shop, tire / wheel shop, multipurpose businesses. We have used comment on codes and also decorated the codes beautifully so one can find it very easy to customize. We have also added a detailed documentation where we have described how to customize each and everything of this template with screenshots. We have tried to give an attractive look to this template so that you can gather more traffic on your website.
This Html template can be easily customized – each Html file is carefully layered and contains an overview of the hierarchy of groups and layers for easy access. You can easily replace any picture by your own one in just a few clicks

Template Features:

*Beautifully Designed Unique 03 Home Pages

*Clean Design

*Full Responsive and most advanced UI Beautifully Color

*Free Google Fonts

*SASS File Included

*100% pixel perfect design

*Clean and Simple Style

*Smooth transition effects.

*Cross Browser Optimization.

*Google font.

*Compatible Browsers – IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox

*Documentation – Yes

*License – GPL

*Version – 1.0.0

*Columns – 4

*Files Included – Html5, JS, CSS3

*User Friendly Code

*W3C Validation

*Clean & Modern Design

*CSS3 animations

*Full Responsive

*SEO friendly code

*Easily customize

Features Overview

Bootstrap 5 Framework:

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
SASS (short for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets):
SASS is a preprocessor scripting language that is used to generate CSS stylesheets. It is an extension of CSS that adds additional functionality and features, making it easier and more efficient to write and maintain stylesheets.

Responsive Layout Design:

What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Do cap template is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.
15 + Valid HTML Files :
Spiel template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful HTML files 100% valid W3 web standards.
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS, SASS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://