Finome - Finance & Business Elementor Template Kit

in Other / Template Kits

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Finome Elementor Template kit is the best suited for Finance, Business, Consulting Firms, Insurance, Loan, Tax help, tailored to your needs and the expectations of your clients.

It can be used to promote your services, It has some features which will help you make your project stand out from the crowd. It has been optimized to facilitate your time and money. It is well documented which will help you to get your site running easy and fast. You can customize it very easily to fit your business needs.

List Of Template

* Homepage
* About Us
* Service
* Coming Soon
* 404
* FAQ & help
* Price Table
* Blog
* Blog Single
* Contact Us

Required Plugins installed with kit:
* Elementor
* Softtemplates For Elementor
* Qi Addons For Elementor
* Jeg-kit Elementor
* Contact Form 7

How to Install:
Elementor Full Site kits are imported directly through Elementor.

1. Download the kit zip file and do not unzip it.
2. Go to Elementor > Tools and click Import Kit
3. Select your kit zip file and go through each screen of the importer.
4. Pages may be customized under Pages and Templates > Theme Builder. Templates may be reused by creating a new elementor page and clicking the gray folder icon to access My Templates.

For further support, go to Elementor > Get Help in WordPress menu.

How to Use Template Kits:

1. Install and Activate the "Envato Elements" plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress
2. Download your kit file and Do not unzip
3. Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click the Upload Template Kit button. You may also import automatically by clicking Connect Account to link your Elements subscription, then import under Elements > Template Kits.
4. Check for the orange banner at the top and click Install Requirements to load any plugins the kit uses
5. Click import on the Global Kit Styles first
6. Click Import on one template at a time. These are stored in Elementor under Templates > Saved Templates.
7. Go to Pages and create a new page and click Edit with Elementor
8. Click the gear icon at lower-left of the builder to view page settings and choose Elementor Full Width and hide page title
9. Click the gray folder icon to access My Templates tab and then Import the page you'd like to customize.

If you have Elementor Pro, headers and footers may be customized under Theme Builder.

Detailed Guide:

For further support, go to Elementor > Get Help in WordPress menu.

How to Import Metforms

1. Import the metform block templates
2. Import the page template where the form appears and right-click to enable the Navigator
3. Locate and select the Metform widget and click Edit Form. Choose New, then Edit Form. The builder will appear
4. Click ‘Add Template’ grey folder icon.
5. Click ‘My Templates’ tab.
6. Choose your imported metform template, then click ‘Insert’ (click No for page settings).
7. Once the template is loaded, make any desired customizations and click ‘Update & Close’ The form will appear in the template
8. Click Update

_Setup Global Header and Footer in Header Footer & Blocks plugin_

1. Import the header and footer template
2. Go to Appearance > Header Footer and click Add New button
3. Give it a title and select Header, Display on Entire Site and click Publish
4. Click Edit with Elementor
5. Click the gray folder icon to access My Templates tab and select the header template to import and Update.
6. Repeat for Footer

This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own. Blog Content is not included - you will need to add a few posts to WordPress before post content will appear in templates.
compatibleWith: Elementor
demoUrl: Https://
industry: Business & Services
templateKitSoftwareVersion: Elementor 3.0.x, Elementor 3.1.x