Finder - Place Finder Mobile App

in Graphic templates / Websites

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Finder - Place Finder Mobile App is a beautifully crafted App with modern and stylish look. Built with utmost care and perfection.

It includes 5 different versions:- Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD and Adobe Illustrator.

It is built on a Grid System. All the Screen Art Boards are Well organized, Vector and Layered.

Art Boards / Screens Included:

There are in total 13 Screens files in this project.

+ Welcome / Startup App Screen
+ Login
+ Register
+ Tour
+ Category
+ Search
+ Place location
+ Map
+ Profile
+ Place detail
+ Navigation
+ Places
+ Settings


+ Oswald, Source Sans Pro

Thank you for choosing Finder - Place Finder Mobile App. I hope you like it!
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: AI, FIG, SKETCH, PSD, XD
isLayered: 1
isVector: 1
dpi: 72
colorSpace: RGB
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator
dimensions: Px, 750, 1334