Faulkner - Multipurpose Template for Startups

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Faulkner is a responsive, HTML5 template built for professional users such as software as a service companies (SaaS), startups, web application companies, software companies, and small tech agencies.

It is a versatile and modular design toolkit that is built to put your project or work forward in a professional, modern manner. To help you get started with your project in 2018, we’ve not only included some 150+ purpose-built content blocks but also a range of landing pages, homepages, portfolios, shop layouts, error pages, login and register pages, and so much more.

Faulkner has been built with care, comes with solid, commented code and detailed documentation to help you get up and running. It responsive and looks great on desktop down to mobile.

*Full Features*

+ Coded with care! Valid HTML5 / CSS3
+ Supports all moderns browsers
+ Extensive documentation
+ 100+ HTML pages
+ 12 Unique homepages
+ Fully styled shop pages, from product grids, checkout, cart to confirmation pages(13 layouts)
+ Fully styled blog pages, from blog index to single posts (9 layouts)
+ Fully styled portfolio pages, from folio grids to invidual projects (18 layouts)
+ Error and maintenance pages
+ 8 Unique footers
+ 11 Unique headers
+ 20+ Components and example pages
+ 150+ Fully customisable content block
+ Sub menu, mega menu, and header dropdown support
+ Mobile overlay navigation
+ Mobile off-canvas navigation
+ Working MailChimp newsletter signup form
+ Working AJAX contact form with Google Recaptcha
+ 400+ Entypo Font Icons
+ Carefully handpicked Google Fonts
+ Isotope masonry filter plugin
+ Avalanche slider plugin
+ Summit lightbox plugin
+ Horizon animation and reveal plugin
+ Snowbridge parallax plugin
+ Freeze sticky plugin
+ Socialize share plugin

*Compatible browsers*

+ IE9
+ IE10,
+ IE11
+ Edge
+ Firefox,
+ Safari
+ Opera
+ Chrome
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, JS, CSS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1