Fast 3D Logo Intro Maker

in Other / Logo Stings

237 6 0
Project Description\
Clean extruded Logo reveal with elegant realistic 3D flares and glossy shiny carbon looking surface. Corporate style opener. Very fast Logo replacement. 6 Slow close-up camera movements ready to show off the shiny logotype carvings. Well suited for product name, blockbuster production and the entertainment industry.

Fast 3D Logo Maker Features:
* 100% After Effects
* After Effects CS4 or higher
* 4 Logo animations included
* 3 files included (Animated and Manual Logo Maker)
* Additional resolutions ready (Full HD, HD, PAL)
* Simple and easy to use, fast controls ready
* No Plugins required
* Helpful PDF file included
* Link to Fonts included
videoResolution: 1280, 720p (HD), 720
videoLength: 15, 8, 5
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required