Fashion Flyer

in Graphic templates / Print templates

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Fashion Flyer / Poster template is professional, fresh and clean InDesign template. It is for designers working on lighting flyer or based on the projects. It’s especially for sales, promotion, event flyer or any event related.

Easily Editable for easy understanding. Just drop in your own images and texts, and it’s ready.

Product features :

* Indd template
* Two Design options
* Compatible with Adobe Indesign CS4, CS5, CS5.5 & CS6 &CC
* Paragraph and Character Styles
* A4 & Us Letter + Bleed
* Portrait format
* Easy to customize
* Fully editable
* CMYK 300 DPI
* Free font used

Files Included :

* 2 Adobe InDesign files .IDML ( CS4/CS5/CS5.5/CS6 & CC )
* 2 Adobe InDesign files .INDD ( CC 2018 )
* Help Adobe acrobat files .Pdf

Fonts and images used We use the Jaldi and Roboto Condensed font which is FREE! You can download it on document link fonts.
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: INDD
hasDocumentation: 1
dpi: 300
colorSpace: CMYK
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe InDesign
dimensions: In, 8, 11