Fashion Bifold Brochure

in Graphic templates / Print templates

750 15 1
Highly editable Adobe Photoshop bifold brochure template. Easy to customize with styles and swatches. Clean visual structure and professional typography.

* Features
* Adobe Photoshop CS5
* Fully Layered PSD files
* Easy Customizable and Editable
* Easy To Use Your Own Photos(Smart Object Options)
* Optimized for printing
* Size 11''x8.5'' (0.25 bleed)
* Photoshop PSD File
* CMYK Colors
* 300 DPI resolution
* Preview image is not included
* Print Ready Format
* Free Font Used (Font Link Included In The Help File)
orientation: Portrait
isLayered: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dpi: 300
dimensions: 8.5, in, 11
colorSpace: CMYK