Ensign: Multi Purpose PWA Mobile App Template

in Web Templates / Landing page templates

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Ensign: Multi Purpose PWA Mobile App Template is premium mobile Ui App. It is a Progressive Web App (PWA). It is designed using Materialize Framework. It is modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design. It is specially designed to give your mobile app a unique and elegant look. It is easy to customize and coded in developer friendly manner.

It has solid integration of reusable UI components and latest trending plugins. This template can be used for various types of project applications. It comes with pre built 13 different mobile apps. Following apps are inbuilt: Social Media app, Ecommerce app, Blog app, Portfolio app, University app, Online Courses app, Payment & Wallet app, News app, Events app, Chat & Messaging app, Mailbox app, Contacts app and general purpose app. Various niche based web app projects can be made from this mobile app. It makes this app a complete one stop solution for all your needs.

Major Features:

* Build using Materialize CSS framework.
* Progressive Web App (PWA) Ready
* 225+ Inbuilt Demo Pages
* 15 Color Themes Included
* Light and Dark Mode
* Specially build for small screens, but can be viewed on large screens as well
* 4 Different Header Layouts
* 3 Different Footer Layouts
* Light, dark and colored Navigation Menu Styles
* Various Types of Portfolios
* Various Types of Blogs
* Material Font Icons
* Google Fonts
* Detailed Documentation
* User Interface and Utility Components
* Charts library for Graphical Representations
* Calendar and Event App
* Social Media app
* Ecommerce app
* Blog app
* Portfolio app
* Payment & Wallet app
* Events app
* Chat & Messaging app
* Mailbox app
* Contacts app
* General purpose app
* Profile Management Module
* Fixed Bottom Menu for quick links
* Super Fast and Light Weight
* Coded to be developer friendly
* Multi Purpose and Wide Range of pages
* Famous Material Design UI
* Premium and Elegant Template
* Site Access and Error Pages Section
* Contacts, Messages, Notification Modules
* Mailbox Module
* Various Mobile Site Inner Pages
* Various Input Forms and Components
* Complete Mobile UI App
* Excellent Support
* Cross Browser Compatible

Progressive Web App (PWA)

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users.

Progressive Web Apps are user experiences that have the reach of the web, and are:

Reliable - Load instantly and never show the downasaur, even in uncertain network conditions.
Fast - Respond quickly to user interactions with silky smooth animations and no janky scrolling.
Engaging - Feel like a natural app on the device, with an immersive user experience.
This new level of quality allows Progressive Web Apps to earn a place on the user's home screen.

Light and Dark Modes

Ensign: Multi Purpose PWA Mobile App Template can be viewed as light and dark mode. You can keep both the versions in your project or show only as light or dark. There is a icon in header to switch between light and dark mode.

Prebuilt Themes

Ensign: Multi Purpose PWA Mobile App Template comes with multiple prebuilt themes. This template has 15 different color themes integrated. You can either use anyone theme or allow users to change as per their liking.

Pre built Mobile Apps

It comes with pre built 9 different mobile apps. Following apps are inbuilt: Social Media app, Ecommerce app, Blog app, Portfolio app, University app, Online Courses app, Payment & Wallet app, News app, Events app, Chat & Messaging app, Mailbox app, Contacts app and general purpose app. Various niche based web app projects can be made from this mobile app.

Navigation Menu

Navigation Menu has number of variations in this template. There are basically 3 different navigation menu styles in this template. They are light menu, dark menu and colored menu.
Also, Each above menu type can be configured in various colors themes.


Header top bar has number of variations in this template. There are basically 4 different header layouts in this template. They are:

1. Centered Header (default)
2. Left Aligned Header
3. Right Aligned Header
4. App Style Header

Also, Each above header can be configured in various colors.


Footer has number of variations in this template. There are basically 3 different footer layouts in this template. They are:
1. Centered Footer (default)
2. Left Aligned Footer
3. Minimal Footer

Also, Each above footer can be configured in various colors.

Charts - Graphical Representations

Ensign Mobile App template is integrated with various types of graphical representations. Charts like line, area, bar, stacked bar, scatter, donut, pie, funnel etc. are configured in this template.

Echarts library is integrated for graphical representations in this template. You can extend or configure it as per your need.

Inbuilt Pages:

Home Pages

* Default Home Page
* Welcome Page
* Social Media
* Events
* Profile
* Dashboard
* Ecommerce
* Walkthrough
* Blog
* Login
* Registration

Company App Screens

Our Team
* Pricing plans
* App Search
* User Timeline
* Partners & Clients
* Contact Us
* About Us
* Customer Testimonials
* App FAQ
* Welcome Screen
* Purchase Invoice
* App Walkthrough
* App Offline

User Actions Screens
* Subscribe
* User Profile Card
* Share
* Settings

* Blog Home Page
* Masonry 2 Column Blog
* Single Column Blog
* Blog Carousel
* Content 2 Column Blog
* Full Width Blog
* Small Style Blog
* Medium Style Blog
* Small Right Aligned Blog
* Medium Right Aligned Blog
* Alternate Small Blog
* Alternate Medium Blog
* Title Only Blog
* Content Blog
* View Blog
* Add Comment
* Subscribe Blog

* Carousel
* Grid 2 Column
* Single Column
* Masonry 2 Column
* Full Width
* Grid 3 Column
* Full Width 2 Column
* Full Width 3 Column
* Masonry 3 Column
* Full Width Masonry 2 Column
* Full Width Masonry 3 Column
* Masonry with Title 2 Column
* Full Width with Content
* Masonry with Content 2 Column
* Full Width with Title
* Grid with Title 2 Column

Events App
* Events Dashboard
* Event Calendar
* All Events
* View Event Details
* Event Timeline
* Book Event
* Add New Event
* Edit Event

Error Pages
* 404 page
* 500 page
* 403 page
* 405 page
* 408 page
* 503 page

User App Access

* Login
* Registration
* Forgot Password
* Reset Password
* App Lock Screen

Social Media App

* Social Media Dashboard
* Activity
* All Users
* Friends
* Friend Requests
* Activity Carousel
* Timeline
* Followers
* Following
* Add Friends

User Profile
* Notifications
* Profile
* Edit Profile

Chat & Messages App
* Messages
* Chat
* Chat Rooms
* Group Chat
* Video Call

Contacts App
* Contacts
* Add new contact
* Edit contact
* Phone Call

Wallet and Payment App

* Credits
* Debits
* Make Payment
* Pay Bills

Mailbox App
* Mail Box
* Mail Compose
* Mail View

User Interface
* Buttons
* Font Icons
* Responsive Media
* Animated Bars
* Typography
* Background Parallax
* Dropdown Buttons
* Progress Bars
* Wave Effect
* Data List
* App Grid
* Icon Buttons & Dropdowns
* Responsive Grids
* Blockquote
* Tables
* Box Shadow
* Color Palette
* Colored Tables
* Pagination
* Count Badges


* Cards
* Content Tabs
* Modals
* Light Box
* Icon Tiles
* Message Popups
* Popout Expandables
* Small Iconic Cards
* Light Box Grid
* Expandables
* Colored Modals
* Colored Expandables
* Colored Tabs
* FullScreen Popups
* Iconic Feature Cards
* Message Toast
* Tooltips
* Swipable
* Image Waves Effect
* Parallax Grid
* Iconic Services
* Message Cards
* Page Footer
* Transparent Expandables
* Cards Actions
* Footer Menu
* Page Loader

* Single Column Carousel (Touch)
* Multi Column Carousel (Touch)
* 3D Carousel (Touch)
* Content Carousel (Touch)
* Fullscreen Carousel (Touch)

Form Inputs
* Text Inputs
* Input Validation
* Select
* Multiple Select
* Iconic Text Inputs
* Switches
* Character Count Text Inputs
* Chips
* Checkboxes
* Avatar Chips
* Radio Buttons
* Input Chips
* Range
* Range Color Picker
* Advanced Range Inputs

Date & Time Pickers
* Date Pickers
* Time Pickers

Graphs and charts
* Bar Charts
* Donut charts
* Line Charts
* Stacked Bar Charts
* Scatter Charts
* Area Charts
* Funnel charts
* Pie charts
* Gauge Charts

* Slider
* Fullscreen Slider

Shop and Ecommerce App
* Shop Home Page
* Products (Single Column)
* Products (Grid View)
* Carousel Products
* Product Details
* Products (List View)
* Shopping Cart
* Products Category
* Products (List Right View)
* Invoice
* Shipping
* Payment Successful
* Wishlist
* Shopping FAQ


Free Google Fonts are used in this template. Google Font "Poppins" is integrated. It can be easily replace with any other font of your choice.

Fonts Icons

Material Design Font icons are used in this project. They are clean, crisp and vector based fonts.

Detailed Documentation

Ensign mobile app template has a detailed documentation included. All the settings regarding headers, footers, Menu, PWA, UI, Components, themes, site mode, installation etc. are explained in detail with proper screenshots.

All images in downloaded package are replaced with placeholder images.
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
retinaReady: 1
responsive: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
demoUrl: Https://jaybabani.com/ensign-html/