Energetic Logo Reveal and Transition

in Other / Logo Stings

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Active and energetic logo revealer with high power. Procedural template takes any logo that has at least 2 colors and splits it into several seperately animated layers based on color values. The end result is stunning. A stylish logo animation to open or conclude your YouTube video, podcast, presentation etc. Also quick transition with alpha channel is included to make a trendy cut between your scenes.

Audio and sound FX included. You can either use the provided audio or use your own music taking just the sound FX part from this.

Video Tutorial included
Powerful customization panel
Audio Included
Separate Sound Fx included
Compatible with AE CS4 and all recent CC versions.
No third-party plugins used.

Audio from: Punchy Dubstep Intro Logo by Melophobie, Lars Lüdtke You can use the included audio for this project only. If you want to use it elsewhere – please purchase another license from link.

This project also features Homestead font and audio clip by Soundroll

Transition video not included. Used under Creative Commons license from Vimeo
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 7, 2
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required