Email Marketing Dashboard

in Graphic templates / Websites

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Welcome to Email Marketing Dashboard

An email marketing dashboard is a powerful tool that allows businesses to monitor and manage their email marketing campaigns with precision. This user-friendly interface provides a comprehensive overview of key email metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion data, in real-time. With customizable features and intuitive design, an email marketing dashboard enables marketers to fine-tune their email strategies, optimize engagement, and ultimately drive more effective and targeted communication with their audience. It serves as an essential asset for businesses aiming to maximize the impact of their email marketing efforts.

- 1 Dashboard design
- Easy to Customize
- Compatibility with Figma
- Well Organized Layer
- Open Source Font (Google Fonts)

- Please download and install fonts before opening the file.
- Images in the main file are replaced by placeholders, all images used for demo purpose only.
orientation: Landscape
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: FIG
isLayered: 1
isVector: 1
dpi: 72
colorSpace: RGB
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Figma