Elegant Timeline

in Other / Video Displays

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Elegant Timeline can be used to showcase your company's beginnings, history, previous year of business, important events and achievements of the business in a simple and elegant way with the Page Flags feel.
Useful to sum up the last year to present at the company meetings, presentations or present the sales reports or sales achievements at annual meetings and show the progress of the project and display the major events that happened in a year at your business organization or corporate with the Camera Moving inside a Planner kind of edges animation.
Also show your company's internal best achievers or award winners, competition winners, main clients, and business portfolio.
Along with the business and corporate themes it works great for all type of project like sports, presentations, family functions, timelines, look-backs, year-in-review.

Main Features :
- AE CS6 and above.
- Full HD 1920×1080.
- Modular Structure.
- No Third Party plugins used.
- No Pre-renders.
- Project is well arranged with markers and comments.
- Easy Global Control to Edit the Colors or On/Off Year Text, Main Title, Sub Titles, Title Base and Shadow.
- Global Control to Switch off Particles, Light Leaks.
- Simple to use.
- Easy to modify and customize.
- Easy PDF Help file with reference images and font details included.
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 74
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required