Eleco - Mobile Template UI Kit

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Eleco is a Mobile Template, which allows you to more easily use this template. Equipped with many additional features and additional pages to support your work. This template is easy to edit, brings clean design, modern design, and many other features.

Eleco built using Framework7, AMP (Accelerad Mobile Template), Bootstrap, and Materialize. Have a mode Light & Dark version, has many color variants like Material Design color, iOS color, Flat color, Gradient color, and Multicolor. And all of them are easily edited or replaced with the color you want.

Eleco Build Using

* Framework7 : Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps.
* Bootstrap : Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world’s most popular front-end component library.
* Materialize : A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design.
* Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) : is an open-source library that provides a straightforward way to create web pages that are compelling, smooth, and load near instantaneously for users. AMP pages are just web pages that you can link to and are controlled by you.


* Framework7
* Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
* Bootstrap
* Materialize
* Easy Edit
* Shop
* Modern Design
* Clean Design
* Clean Code
* Font Awesome
* Line Awesome
* Google Font
* Valid HTML5
* Valid CSS3
* Well Documentation
* Free Support
* And much more...


* Walkthrough
* Home
* Home Default
* Home Shop
* Home Blog
* Home News
* Home Profile
* Home Portfolio
* Home Walkthrough
* Home Splash
* Home Login
* Accordion
* Badges
* Button
* Brand Icon
* Breadcrumbs
* Card
* Carousel
* Collapse
* Date & Time
* Form Element
* Grid System
* Icon
* lightbox Image
* List
* Modal
* Pagination
* Quotes
* Social Media Icon
* Table
* Tabs
* Timeline
* Tooltip
* About
* Client
* Contact
* Embeds
* Faq
* Features
* Forum
* Forum Single
* Gallery
* Maintenance
* Open Hours
* Portfolio
* Pricing Table
* Profile
* Process
* Reservation
* Reset Password
* Search Result
* Services
* Settings
* Sign In
* Sign Up
* Skill
* Team
* Testimonial
* Categories
* Product
* Product Details
* Cart
* Checkout
* Chat
* Chat Details
* Calendar
* Coming Soon
* Gallery
* Map
* Page Not Found
* Blog List
* Blog Grid
* Blog Single
* Blog Single Gallery
* Blog Single Video
* and many more


* Font Google
* Framework7
* Bootstrap
* Materializecss
* Font Awesome
* Line Awesome
* jQuery
* Filterizr
* Lightbox
* Owl Carousel
* Animsition
* Image Loaded
* Pexels

*Image preview used not included in main file