Education Presentation Template

in Presentation templates

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Education Presentation Template

This Presentation Template can be used for any variety of purpose, such as: Agency, Business, Proposal , academic, academy, campus, certification, class, clean, collage, course, diploma, education, graduation, institution, learning, modern, pitch deck, portfolio, presentation, professional, school, science, seminar, simple, student, study, teacher, template, training, university
and also can be used for Personal Portfolio.

- Total 24 Slides
- All graphics resizable and editable
- Used and recommended free web fonts
- Based on Master Slides
- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
- Picture Placeholder
- Google Font
- Easily Editable!


Education presentation Template file includes documentation that will make it easier for you to edit this template.

- PowerPoint .PPTX file
- Documentation File

Note: All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and are not actually included in the files

I hope you Like it.
presentationTemplatesApplicationsSupported: PowerPoint
hasDocumentation: 1
presentationTemplatesFileTypes: PPTX
dimensions: Px, 1920, 1080