Easy Digital Downloads - Points and Rewards

in Other / Plugins

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Easy Digital Downloads Points and Rewards extension allows you to reward your customers for purchases and other actions with points which can be redeemed for discounts. Easily set how many points customers will earn for each dollar spent and set how many points can be redeemed for a specific discount amount. Points can be set at the product or global level, and you can also control the maximum discount available when redeeming points.


- Reward Customer Purchases With Points Redeemable For Discounts!
- Earn Points for Purchases
- Customers can redeem points for discounts based on the conversion rate you set.
- points can be earned for selling products based on conversion rate set by you.
- you can simply allow your customers to buy points as per the conversion rate set by you. just create a
- product with product type "points" & customer can buy it and redeem points for discounts later.
- Control the maximum discount.
- Include previous loyal customers in your system.
- Award points to customers for actions like signing up.
- Manage Customer’s Points.
- Let your customers check their points information remove points for refunded orders.
- Reset points for all or specific users from users list using bulk action.
- Provide previous information about points and rewards on a product page.

Important Compatibility Notes:

1. Does Points & Rewards support the reviews for Easy Digital Downloads plugin?

Yes, Points & Rewards and Reviews Plugin are fully integrated. You can use globally as well as per product setting and define, How many points to be given to a user on how much ratings. i.e. A user who gave 5 Star rating will be awarded 50 Point & A user who gave 3 Star will get 30 Points.

2. Do Points & Rewards support the recurring payments?

Yes, Points & Rewards and recurring payments are fully integrated. If Easy Digital Downloads – Recurring Payments plugin is enabled, you will be able to see points settings for recurring payment. Once you enable this setting, your users will earn points every time when recurring payment is made.


Please check documentation of the plugin from https://docs.wpwebelite.com/edd-points-and-rewards/ to learn how to use the plugin.
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, HTML, JS, PHP
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://demo.wpwebelite.com/edd-points-and-rewards/
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 4.8