E-Commerce Fashion Website UI Kit

in Graphic templates / Websites

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Fashion E-Commerce UI Kit crafted for fashion-focused websites. You can create your own website within minutes using various pages and elements.

- 13 Different Screens and Multiple Elements
- 4 Home Screens, 6 Product Screens, 2 About Screens and 1 Cart Screen
- Available in major formats including Sketch and Adobe XD
- Layered and properly grouped
- Free to use dummy content
- Google Fonts used (Montserrat)
orientation: Landscape
isVector: 1
isLayered: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: SKETCH, XD, PNG
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Sketch, Adobe XD
dpi: 300
dimensions: 1440, px, 800
colorSpace: RGB