Dukaken – Multipurpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme

in Other / Themes

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Dukaken is an woocommerce WordPress theme that is suitable for any woocommerce sites. Dukaken provides plenty elements and powerful features that can configure all you want. It provides ultimate woocommerce features with exclusive skins & layouts and features. It super fast performance which is essential for your woocommerce shops. Please check below to see more features. Enjoy Dukaken Woocommerce Theme!

+ 13+ Demos and updating
+ One Click Install Demo Data
+ Many Different Header Styles
+ WooCommerce ready
+ Mega Menu built-in
+ Free Lifetime Updates and access to our support ticket
+ Unlimited Colors
+ Sticky Header
+ Retina Ready
+ Highly Customizable
+ Responsive
+ Boxed/Wide layout
+ Advanced Typography Options
+ Can also import individual pages from our documentation
+ See our Dukaken Live Demo to view all features
+ View Documentation Online
+ Translation Ready(po/mo files)
+ Cross Browser Compatibility
+ Child Theme included to help you make the most out of it.
and so much more…

NOTE: _This item contains assets in the download files that are sourced from a third party and different license terms apply to those assets. These will be identified in the downloaded files with a copy of the other license which will apply to those assets_.
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, SASS, JS
retinaReady: 1
responsive: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
demoUrl: Https://dukaken.g5plus.net/main/
compatibleWith: Bootstrap, Gutenberg, Visual Composer, WPBakery Page Builder, WooCommerce
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 5.7