Desert Sunset Watercolor Alphabet

in Graphics / Illustrations

212 5 0
The dusky pink hues of a desert sunset have been captured in the watercolor flowers used to create these floral letters and numbers.
The letters and numbers themselves have a dusky pink fill.
Perfect for wedding and other stationery, personalized cards, wall art, logos, scrap booking and all paper crafts.
The listing includes:
* the full alphabet of upper case letters decorated in flowers.
* the full alphabet of lower case letters in the same dusky fill.
* the numbers 0 to 9 plus the ampersand.
* 15 floral sprays.
* 35 watercolor elements.

191 files in total; JPEG and PNG file formats.
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer
dpi: 300
graphicsFileTypes: JPG, PNG
dimensions: In, 9, 9