Dazlle – Dance Studio & Instructor Elementor Template Kit

in Other / Template Kits

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Dazzle is an Elementor Template Kit designed exclusively for dance schools, dance clubs, Zumba fitness centers, ballet studios, yoga studios, and all things related to theater and performing arts. With its beautiful and unique design, Dazzle brings vibrancy and elegance to your website.

The kit offers a 100% responsive layout, ensuring your website looks stunning on any device. It is also retina-ready, providing crisp and high-resolution graphics. Best of all, customization is a
breeze with Elementor, as you can personalize your website without any coding

Dazzle includes a carefully crafted selection of 13+ stunning templates that
empower you to create a professional-looking company business website in just
a few clicks.


* Using Free Plugins (Elementor Pro is not required)
* Modern & Clean Design
* 13+ Ready to use templates
* Fully Responsive Layout
* Retina Ready
* Fully Customizable
* Cross Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera

Templates Include:

* Home
* Class
* About Us
* Pricing
* Blog
* Single Post
* Contact
* JKit - Off Canvas
* MetForm Contact
* Header
* Footer
* Global Theme Style

Required Plugin:

* Elementor
* Jeg Elementor Kit
* MetForm


This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.

compatibleWith: Elementor
demoUrl: Https://templatekit.jegtheme.com/dazlle/
industry: Sport & Fitness
templateKitSoftwareVersion: Elementor 3.10.x, Elementor 3.8.x