Dark Cinematic Logo

in Other / Logo Stings

285 3 0
Project Description\
Cinematic production animation of "dip to black" style used in many movies and video blockbusters like Superman and Batman, presents main movie title or short film name.\
A simple logo becomes steel looking and a powerful glossy chunk of metal. Light Logo parts has a grid which can be inverted with black and colored. Title or logo becomes super powerful metallic emblem which can be opener for a dark heroic or villain trailer.

Use any Logo or Text title and make it look Cinematic and Heroic!

* 7 Audio tracks are Included!
* 100% After Effects
* Logo with realistic 3D looking surface
* Write your text or use your Logo
* No Plugins required
* Helpful PDF included
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 10, 8, 5
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required