Corporate Roll-Ups

in Graphic templates / Print templates

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This template gives you a powerful source of information in a great look to have a strong, visually pleasing brand, easy to edit text, images, and elements.

* Include 3 alternative design template
* Size : 30×70 inch with 1 inch bleeds
* Editable in adobe indesign
* Editable in adobe illustrator
* Editable in adobe photoshop
* Creative & professional design
* Easy to edit text, colors, and images.
* Print Ready [CMYK]
* Free fonts used.
* Note : photos are not included.

See the text file "fonts.txt" for fonts to download
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: INDD, PSD, AI
isLayered: 1
dpi: 300
colorSpace: CMYK
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
dimensions: In, 30, 70