Cooking TV Show Bumper for FCPX

in Other / Openers

245 4 0
Cooking Show Bumper:

* Contains easily customizable and quick to use FCPX template.

Note: This package works with Final Cut X 10.3.0 or higher. Pre installed Apple Motion isn't required.

What can I do with this template?

* You can change colors and change text on your own and use in your projects.

Project Features:

* Vegetables footages are included

* Control panel

* Step by step video tutorial included

* No extra plugins needed

* Works with any language

* Free font link inside

Music in not included Action Funk Beat by guitarsstate.
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
applicationsSupported: Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro
requiredPlugins: None required