Contact Form 7 Data Storage

in Other / Plugins

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Contact Form 7 Data Storage is a lightweight WordPress plugin that stores contact form submissions in WordPress database, Contact Form 7 Data Storage allows you to store, display, manage and export the data sent by forms on your website.

The plugin supports forms build on Contact Form 7, Caldera Forms or Fast Secure Contact Form. All form submissions are stored in WordPress database in addition to being sent via e-mail. This allows you to avoid problems with missing or not delivered emails.

Supported Plugins

+ Contact Form 7 Supported
+ Caldera Forms Supported
+ Fast Secure Contact Form Supported

Stored Data

The plugin uses native WordPress tables and functions, so you can easily transfer (export, import) data (if it is required) between different WordPress instances. The plugin stores the following data:

+ General submission data: form name (which was used to send e-mail message), page name (on which the form was located – called as referrer post), sender user agent, sender IP.
+ Message details: sender, receiver, recipients, CC, BCC, reply to (all data in format: name and e-mail address), subject and body of the message.
+ Form data: list of form fields and values.
+ Form files: list of files attached to the message (files are stored in Media Library).

Main View

The plugin starts collecting data from contact form submissions immediately after activation – no additional setup from admin is required. All entries are stored based on native WordPress functionality, called Custom Post Type and are available under the dashboard menu item MF Data Storage. Under the above-mentioned menu item the user has the ability to:

+ Search and filter forms submissions by contact form type, content of message body and the subject.
+ Export entries to popular file formats like: CSV and XML,
+ Preview content of the messages,
+ Use all the other default WordPress functionality (such as deleting entries, performing bulk actions etc.) – the plugin doesn’t limit these options.

Detailed View

Detailed view of entry (which is available by clicking on Edit link) contains all data submitted by end user organized in four tabs: General, Message, Form data and Form files.

Export Options

The plugin allows you to export submitted entries to formats like: CSV (separated by tabs or semicolon) and XML. File with exported data can be created based on query results or by user selection. User is able to control (via Plugin options) names and availability of fields for both types of files.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, JS, PHP
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 4.9