Coffee Shop Dashboard UI Kit Template

in Graphic templates / UX and UI kits

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The "Coffee Shop Dashboard UI Kit Template" is a meticulously designed digital product tailored for coffee shop owners, baristas, and coffee enthusiasts. This Figma-compatible UI kit offers a comprehensive set of user interface elements, ensuring a seamless and visually stunning experience for managing and enhancing coffee shop operations. The template is not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional, providing easy navigation and customization. With a user-friendly interface and compatibility with free Google Fonts, this kit is a versatile tool to elevate the online presence of any coffee-related business. Whether you're a seasoned barista or a startup owner, this UI kit is your go-to solution for crafting a digital space that reflects the warmth and aroma of your coffee shop.
orientation: Landscape
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: FIG
hasDocumentation: 1
isLayered: 1
isVector: 1
colorSpace: RGB
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Figma