Chromatic Color Dispersion Background

in Graphics / Backgrounds

140 6 0
Backgrounds are the ultimate tool for content creators and designers. To grab attention of theres, you need at least one stunning background to make your content pop. Download them, use them in your project and stand out. Here are some other technical stuffs you might need to know, below...

Tech Specs
- RGB Colors
- Ready to Use
- 14 Megapixels
- High Quality JPG
- 1 Background File
- Well Engaging Colors
- Size: 4582x3054 Pixels

Background Type
- Chromatic surface background
- Abstract color dispersion background
- Simple artistic gradient flow

Loved this background? Looking for more? Check out our other similar backgrounds for your projects, thank you for choosing this and being awesome!
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Sketch, Affinity Designer
dpi: 72
graphicsFileTypes: JPG
dimensions: Px, 4582, 3054