Candace A Handwritten Font + Bonus

in Other / Script and Handwritten

374 5 0
Candace is a modish handwritten font. This font comes with a complete set of lowercase, uppercase Numbers and Alternates. It is ideal for prints, logos, quotes, badges, labels, packaging design, blog, websites, designs, headlines, banners, posters, printings, T-shirts, magazines, promotional product, templates, etc.

Included Features:
- Regular Weight
- File Format: OTF, TTF and Web Font Kit

- 1 Handmade Business Card ( PSD )
- 147 Handmade Circles Clipart ( AI, EPS, JPEG and PNG )

Candace Font Features:

- Uppercase Multilingual Letters
- Lowercase Multilingual Letters
- Numbers & Punctuation
- Non English Characters ( Latin Extended A )

Supported Characters:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 0123456789
- !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ £¥μЛ€
- àáâãäåæèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ

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spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Any Size
serifSansSerif: Sans-Serif
isWebfont: 1