Broadcast Design - News Lower Third Package1

in Other / Elements

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Broadcast Design – Lower 3rd Package (News / Sport / Weather / Breaking News / Virtual Studio)

Thanks to Leto for the great Primetime News Variations music

Main Features:

- Automated customization process! Control IN and OUT animation by markers! Change the color with one click!
- Very easy to customize (Color Coded) After Effects CS4 project (and above compatible)
- News/Sport/Weather/Breaking News Lower 3rds
- Animated Corner logos
- Animated Ticker Line
- Video tutorial
- 1920×1080 HD 25fps (4 ready to render comps. at different resolutions)
- No 3rd party plugins needed
- All elements have In / Loop / Out animation
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required