Britania Sign

in Other / Script and Handwritten

49 4 0
introduces the new Britania Sign is a handwritten font with a distinctive and sharp brush texture. The Britania Sign is handwritten on paper with a rough brush type, resulting in a consistent texture.
You can change theBritania Sign as you wish to create a unique style when several characters of the same letter meet, as Britania Sign has alternative lowercase letters with ending swash.
The Britania Sign handwritten font can also be used for various projects such as stationery invitations, social media, logos, Books, branding, Fashion, cafe, traveling, aerial, photography, graphic design with the addition of a few swashes. and can be combined with various types of sans fonts to enhance the project you want to work on.
Files include:
Britania Sign. ttf
Britania Sign. otf
Britania Sign. woff
spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Any Size
hasDocumentation: 1
serifSansSerif: N/A
isWebfont: 1